Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Terkenang saat mula-mula aku mendengar perkataan 'KERAJAAN PERPADUAN'

(laporan dari jamuan makan Datuk Wan Rahim Wan Abdullah kira-kira dua minggu selepas pilihan raya umum 8 Mac 2008)

Rakyat ‘paksa’ PAS dan DAP bekerjasama

KOTA BHARU : Percaturan baru politik Malaysia dapat dilihat apabila rakyat secara jelas ‘memaksa’ kerjasama diadakan antara parti pembangkang terutamanya Pas dan DAP dengan undi yang mereka beri pada pilihan raya umum 8 Mac lalu.

Pakatan barisan pembangkang telah berjaya memperoleh 49.79 peratus undi daripada 7.9 juta pengundi pada tarikh bersejarah tersebut.

Menurut Ahli Parlimen Kota Bharu, Dato’ Wan Rahim Wan Abdullah, kini terserahlah kepada pucuk pimpinan parti pembangkang seperti Pas, DAP dan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) untuk menentukan halatuju politik Malaysia seterusnya.

“Kita menyambut baik kerjasama yang terjalin antara tiga parti itu dalam pembentukan kerajaan negeri di Selangor, Kedah dan Perak.Terserahlah kepada mereka sekarang hendak mencorakkan halatuju yang seterusnya kerana rakyat telah membuka jalan,”katanya.

Pas dan DAP sebelum ini bermasalah untuk menjalinkan kerjasama kerana isu ‘negara Islam’. Hubungan hanya dibuat secara tidak langsung melalui kerjasama antara parti masing-masing dengan PKR.

Tiada pertembungan berlaku sesama ketiga parti ini dalam pilihan raya umum ke 12 dan isyarat paling menarik adalah pelantikan wakil rakyat Pas di Perak , Ir Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin sebagai Menteri Besar di saat parti itu hanya menang 6 kerusi Dun berbanding 7 bagi PKR dan 18 bagi DAP.

Menurut Wan Abdul Rahim , strategis politik Pas di peringkat pusat dan negeri, sebenarnya DAP boleh menerima Pas tetapi propaganda dari MCA dan Gerakan yang membuat kempen mengundi untuk Pas adalah undi kepada negara Islam membuat orang Cina di peringkat ‘grassroot’ (akar umbi) menjadi celaru.

“Sekiranya kita pergi jauh lagi, saya dapat lihat kemungkinan kita berusaha ke arah mewujudkan ‘kerajaan perpaduan’ yang melibatkan semua parti iaitu BN, DAP, PAS dan PKR demi kesejahteraan rakyat Malaysia.

“Terserahlah kepada pimpinan tiga parti pembangkang tersebut sekiranya mereka ingin berjumpa Pak Lah untuk membuat rundingan,” kata Wan Abdul Rahim.

Beliau berkata demikian semasa meraikan para wartawan di Kota Bharu dalam satu majlis makan malam. Pada malam tersebut, Sdr Lim Guan Seng, 43, telah diperkenalkan sebagai wakil beliau berurusan dengan masyarakat Cina di kawasan parlimennya.

Monday, April 27, 2009

sesuatu yang mengetuk pintu hatiku pada 27 april 2009


This article was originally written by
Amani Aboul Fadl Farag (IOL)
(reproduced in HARAKAH 2-5 jamadilawal)

How many mothers in history were reported to have deliberately sacrificed their dearest for the sake of an ultimate goal? Asma bint Abi Bakr Al-Siddiq is one. She was one of many ladies who lived near Prophet Mohammad and learned the secrets of immortality in his academy. They knew no boundaries in their love and servitude to Allah the Almighty.

Noble heritage

She was the daughter of Abu Bakr, the Prophet’s intimate Companion, and the sister of Aishah, the Prophet’s most beloved wife. Since she was very young, she and her sister grew up listening to the verses of the Quran being recited in their house, which attracted her to decide to embrace Islam. She had married Al-Zubair ibn Al-Awwam, the Prophet’s cousin, a short time before the great event of Hijrah (Muslims’ emigration from Makkah at the time of the Prophet) took place.

The First Lady Commando

While she was in the last months of pregnancy, her husband was ordered to emigrate to Madinah with other believers. He left her behind with the ladies of both the Prophet’s and Abu Bakr’s families waiting for their turn to leave. Shortly after that, it was the turn of the Prophet and his best friend Abu Bakr to emigrate from Makkah to Madinah. It was a dangerous journey as the two of them were all by themselves, unprotected and feverishly chased by Makkah’s pagans, who raced to catch them to win a reward.

The Prophet and Abu Bakr had to hide in a frightful cave on top of a high rcky mountain for a few days till the chasers lost hope in finding them. At that time, it was Asma’s daily job to sneak away at night and undertake a perilous journey to that cave in order to carry to them the provisions, under the stress of being arrested by the chasers.

She willingly climbed the mountain in her last months of pregnancy. I saw that mountain during my pilgrimage, it was so high that it made me dizzy when I saw it, so I can’t imagine what it would have been like for Asma to climb it.

Winning the Title

In order to be able to carry both food and water, her father recommended that she split her belt into two halves, and to carry the food with one part of the belt and the water with the other. On seeing her in this condition of late pregnancy, walking a long distance and climbing up the mountain with a heavy load on her back and having her belt torn up, the Prophet pitied her, and gave her the glad tiding of Paradise saying, “May God substitute those two belts of yours by two others in Paradise” (Al-Bukhari). Since this incident, she was called “Asma, the lady of the two belts”.

A Devoted Wife

Asma’s domestic life was not an easy one. Her husband Al-Zubair was poor; he didn’t have any property except for a horse. She herself said “When Al-Zubair married me, he didn’t have either money, servants or anything except his horse, so it was my duty to feed , train and take care of it. I used to crush the date seeds for the horse to eat and give it water to drink, I also used to carry the water and prepare the dough.”

She had the characteristic of being generous to the poor although she was poor, so she asked the Prophet if it was acceptable for her to give the poor but a little, and he answered her, “Give as much as you can, even the little, but don’t hold your hand from giving (be miserly), if you do so, God will hold His hand from giving you”. She kept this lesson in her mind all her life and taught it to all women. She used to say, “Spend on charity and don’t wait to give the leftovers, because if you do so, there will be no leftovers for you to give”

Principles Before Motherhood

After the end of the era of the Four Rightly-Guided Caliphs , Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan reigned. Before his death, he entitled his son, Yazeed, to succeed him in a serious breach of the democratic, consultative system the Prophet had established in his state before his death. Abdullah, Asma’s eldest son, was amongst those who challenged dictatorship and proposed himself as a nominee for the people to elect, which they did with a great majority.

Yazeed, the dictator, sent armies to defeat Abdullah, but he managed to resist and continued ruling as an elected Caliph in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula for about ten years. After the death of Yazeed, his son decided to restore his reign, so he sent a huge army to Abdullah, headed by Al-Hajjaj, who was appointed by Muawiya to fight Abdullah, So He laid siege to the army of Abdullah.

Al-Hajjaj guaranteed safety for Abdullah and his followers if they would surrender. Under the heavy pressure of the long siege, hunger, and fear, many of Abdullah’s supporters surrendered. He went to his mother, Asma, to ask her opinion, but the by-then blind woman, who was almost one hundred years old, and wholly dependant on him, gave a wonderful example of courage in the face of tyranny.

She didn’t hesitate for one second to elevate her ideals over her instinctive motherhood, she said to him firmly:

You are the only one to know your intentions. If you know you are in the right, then go ahead. If you know you want a worldly gain, then you are immoral. But if you know you are in the right, but you feel weak, then you have to understand that this is not how free men act.

Then he confessed to her his fear of having his body mutilated after they killed him, she answered him saying, “Does it really hurt the goat to take its skin off after it is slain?” Having restored his courage, he bent down to kiss her goodbye. Abdullah was killed and his dead body was crucified headless for a whole month, until it decomposed. Asma had the courage to stand in the face of the tyrant, insulting him, and ordering him to release her son’s corpse until he submitted. She took the body, washed it, prayed, and buried it. After one week — some sources say ten days — she died.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Naib Ketua Dewan Pemuda Pas Kelantan, Ustaz Abdul Latiff Abdul Rahman

Ketua Dewan Pemuda Pas Kelantan, Mohd Zaki Ibrahim tidak lama lagi sudah pasti akan melepaskan jawatan tersebut dan menumpukan fokus kepada amanah yang lebih senioritinya. Jadi siapa yang akan mengganti tempat beliau? Timbalannya, Nik Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz dimaklumi seorang yang bijak dan berilmu tetapi 'taraf' sebagai anak Mursyidul Am adalah satu 'beban'. Ke mana pun beliau, orang akan tetap mengaitkannya dengan ayahandanya itu. Kecualilah jika semua orang dapat 'menutup' mata dan melihat kepada kebolehannya sahaja. Bagaimana pula dengan Naib Ketua Pemuda Pas Kelantan, Abdul Latif Abdul Rahman? Wakil rakyat Mengkebang berusia 38 tahun ini sering mendapat pendedahan di dada akhbar dan dilihat sentiasa agresif ke hadapan membuat pelbagai kenyataan. Tetapi adakah dia yang sewajarnya dinaikkan? Pada ambo yang ada empat mata ini, Ustaz Teh kena belajar lebih lagi kalau berhasrat mahu jadi pemimpin utama. Ingatan ini bukan kepada Ustaz Teh sahaja teapi juga kepada semua yang mungkin masih berpegang kepada prinsip jaga air muka. Tidak ada tempat untuk jaga air muka dalam perjuangan. Amanah kena diberi kepda yang berhak dan Ustaz Teh ambo rasa mungkin lebih sesuai di tempat lain. Kenyataan terbaru beliau dalam laporan Harakah di bawah boleh jadi dalil kepada firasat ambo tadi...


Oleh : Salmah Mat Husain

KOTA BHARU: Presiden Persatuan Bola Sepak Kelantan (Kafa), Datuk Seri Anuar Musa, diminta melepaskan jawatannya berikutan kegagalan beliau membentuk peminat yang berdisiplin.

Naib Ketua Dewan Pemuda PAS Negeri Kelantan, Ustaz Abdul Latif Abdul Rahman, memberitahu Anuar seharusnya melepaskan jawatan itu dan diserahkan kepada kerajaan negeri sebagaimana yang berlaku di negeri-negeri lain.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika mengulas insiden rusuhan bola sepak oleh penyokong pasukan ‘Red Warriors’ itu malam Selasa lalu di Stadium Sultan Muhammad Ke-1V, di sini.

Menurutnya, amat wajar persatuan skuad merah putih itu diserahkan kepada kerajaan negeri untuk dipinda struktur organisasinya dan sekiranya berlaku insiden yang tidak diingini sudah pasti ianya akan diselesaikan caranya yang tersendiri.

“Sebagaimana yang berlaku di negeri-negeri lain, persatuan bola sepak di setiap negeri di bawah seliaan kerajaan negeri kecuali Kelantan.

“Siapa yang mengetuai Kafa nanti biarlah pucuk pimpinan kerajaan negeri sendiri yang akan tentukan sama ada Menteri Besar sendiri atau sesiapa,”ujarnya lagi.

Beliau bagaimanapun melahirkan rasa dukacita terhadap kejadian itu sambil menyifatkannya menjejaskan imej buruk kerajaan negeri khususnya masyarakat Kelantan itu sendiri.

Tambahnya, seharusnya kejadian begitu tidak lagi berlaku di era kini.

Latif bagaimanapun enggan mengulas lanjut berhubung insiden terbabit memandangkan beliau belum mendapat maklumat jelas berhubung perkara itu.

“Mungkin apa yang berlaku akibat kesilapan teknikal, tetapi jangan terlalu emosi, tidak puas hatipun masih ada saluran yang betul untuk diselesaikan setiap masalah,”ujarnya lagi.